View or add documents to an "Applicant Profile"

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To apply for a job posting, most employers require applicants to upload documents such as their resume, cover letter, writing samples and more. 

You can view all documents the applicant submitted from their applicant profile. If an applicant sends you additional documents after applying, you can easily add them to their applicant profile for reference at any time.  

This article explains how to view or add additional documents to an "Applicant Profile."

View Documents in an "Applicant Profile"

All documents the applicant uploaded during their job post application will appear in their applicant profile. 
  1. In "Recruiting," use the search box or filters to find the applicant you want from the "Job postings" tab or the "Applicants" tab.
  2. Once you find the applicant you want, click on their name to be directed to their applicant profile.
  3. Scroll down to the "Application Documents" section to view their documents.view-documents.png

Add Documents to an "Applicant Profile"

  1. In "Recruiting," use the search box or filters to find the applicant you want from the "Job postings" tab or the "Applicants" tab.
  2. Once you find the applicant you want, click on their name to be directed to their applicant profile.
  3. In the "Application Documents" section, click the "+ Additional Document" button. add-documents.png
  4. In the pop-up, upload the document and give it a display name. For example, if the applicant sent you a writing sample, you can drop it in from your email or browse the saved files on your desktop. upload_doc.png
    The document's name will appear in the "Document Display Name" field. If needed, you can edit this name then click the "Add" button to add it to the applicant's profile. 
  5. The document is added to their applicant profile; click "Show" to view it. show.png
  6. To delete or download the document, click the three dots on the document line and select the option you need.

Important note

You can also add documents from the "Documents & Links" tab by following the instructions above. 

  Discover more about managing your applicants

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