How to connect your Zapier and Humi account

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Zapier saves time by automating workflows with apps you already use. With this integration, you can connect Humi to over 3000+ apps for organizing and managing employee data.

Don’t worry, you don't need any coding knowledge for this, and you can easily set up automation in a few minutes.

This article will explain how to connect your Zapier and Humi accounts. For more information on getting started with Zapier, check out this article. 

How to connect your Zapier and Humi account

Step 1 - Get your Humi API code

  1. In "Settings," click on the "Integrations" tab. 
  2. On the "Zapier" card, click the "Connect" button. Screen_Shot_2022-06-22_at_4.26.05_PM.png
  3. On the pop-up, copy the API code. 

Step 2 – Connect Humi's API code to your Zapier account

  1. Log in to your Zapier account.
  2. From the left menu, click on "My Apps" and search for "Humi."
  3. In the "Add a new connection" section, click the "Connect" button. 
  4. Enter Humi's API code you copied in Step 1 into the API field. 
  5. Click "Connect."

Zapier is now connected to your Humi account.  

  Discover more about Integrations

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