How to Send Reminders

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It's easy to put off tasks like signing documents when work gets hectic. However, after checking the completion status, you can easily send a reminder to anyone who hasn't signed or acknowledged your document.

On the Document Page, under the Employees Assigned tab, you can send reminders and add or remove employees from a document. 

Send Reminders to All Employees

  1. In Documents, find the document you need, click on it, and you'll be directed to the Document Page.
  2. From here, click on the Employees Assigned tab.
  3. Next, click the Remind All button on the top right corner.Screenshot 2024-10-24 at 3.29.14 PM.png
  4. Next, click the Remind button to send the reminder email and notification in the pop-up.Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 10.45.57 AM.png


Send a Reminder to a Specific Employee 

  1. From the Employees Assigned tab, use the search bar or scroll to find the employee you need.
  2. Next, click the three dots on the right and select "Remind" from the dropdown menu. Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 10.47.05 AM.png


Send Reminders for Documents with Multiple Signers 

  1. In the Employees Assigned tab, click anywhere on the row of the employee you want to remind. 
  2. The Employees Assigned pop-up will appear, displaying each employee's signing status and a Remind link if they haven't signed yet.
  3. Click Remind to send a reminder to the cosigner.Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 10.56.02 AM.png
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