Managing Feedback

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Once a piece of feedback is created, you will be able to manage it through the feedback directory. Refer to the information below for instructions on the various ways Humi can help you manage feedback.


Search/Filter/Sort Feedback

Your ability to search/filter/sort through feedback is dependent on your role within Humi and the visibility type of the feedback.

  • If the feedback is public, anyone will be able to locate it in the directory.
  • If it is private, you have to be the creator, the colleague, or an admin in order to see it.
  • If it is manager visibility, you have to be the creator, the colleague’s manager, or an admin in order to see it.
  • If you have a custom role with access to manage feedback, then you'll be able to see all the feedback sent regardless of visibility type in the directory.

The search bar on the left side of the screen can be used to find a specific piece of feedback by entering its title, the receiver, or the sender. You can also filter the goals by visibility (public, private, manager), or by type (positive, constructive, manager note) by clicking on the icon next to “Visibility” or “Type”.


By clicking on the column titles, you can sort the feedback in ascending or descending order according to the details of the column you clicked on. By default, the order of feedback is in the order of the date it was sent.

View Feedback

When opening the details page of a piece of feedback, you are able to see the feedback’s type, visibility, description, and the date it was published.

The ability to view a piece of feedback depends on your role within Humi and the visibility type of the feedback. If the feedback is public, anyone can view the details of it. If it is private, you have to be the creator, the colleague, or an admin in order to see the details.

If it is manager visibility, you have to be the creator, the colleague’s manager, or an admin in order to see the details. If you have a custom role with access to manage feedback, then you'll be able to see all the feedback sent regardless of visibility type in the directory.


Delete Feedback

Only the creator of the feedback can delete it unless you are an admin or have a custom role that has access to managing feedback.

Once you delete a piece of feedback, it will disappear from the directory immediately. There is no way to restore deleted feedback.

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