Managing Performance Goals

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Once a goal is created, you will be able to manage it through the goals directory. Refer to the information below for instructions on what you can do to manage goals.

Search/Filter/Sort Goals

The directory for goals within the Performance module by default is sorted by creation date. When you create a new goal, it will appear at the top of the list.

The search bar on the left side of the screen can be used to find a goal by entering its title or the creator. You can also filter the goals by status (overdue, in progress, completed, scheduled) by clicking on the icon next to the word “Status”.

By clicking on the column titles (Creator, Title, Due Date), you can sort the goals in ascending or descending order according to the details of the column you clicked on.


View a Goal

When opening the details page of a goal, you can see the goals progress (e.g. what milestones have been achieved and which ones are left to be done), the timeline of the goal, the participants, and the creator.

You can only view the details of a goal if you are a participant or the creator unless you are an admin or you have a custom role that has access to managing goals.


Edit a Goal

Admins and the person who created the goal can edit the details using the Three Dots in the top-right corner.

There are six fields that can be edited for a goal:

  • Title
  • Type
  • Description
  • Frequency
  • Schedule
  • Metrics

For more information regarding these inputs, click here.

You can edit the details of a goal in any status other than completed.


Mark a Goal as Complete

You must be a participant in order to mark a goal as complete. Unless you are an admin or you have a custom role that has access to managing goals.

A goal can only be marked as complete if it is in either of the following statuses:

  • Scheduled
  • In progress


Mark a Goal as Missed

You must be a participant in order to mark a goal as missed. Unless you are an admin or you have a custom role that has access to managing goals. Marking a goal is missed means that you, the participants, weren't able to accomplish the goal.

A goal can only be marked as missed if it is overdue.


View a Goal's Timeline

You must be a participant in order to view a goal’s timeline. Unless you are an admin or you have a custom role that has access to managing goals.

The timeline of a goal can be viewed in any status (overdue, in progress, complete, scheduled, or missed).


Edit a Goal's Participants

You must be a participant in order to edit the participants of a goal. Unless you are an admin or you have a custom role that has access to managing goals.

The participants of a goal can be edited at any time. The schedule and status have no impact on the ability to edit the participants.

Just note, if you add a participant to a goal, they will be able to view all past updates on the details page of the goal.


Delete a Goal

You must be the creator of the goal in order to delete it. Unless you are an admin or you have a custom role that has access to managing goals.

The goal’s status has no impact on the ability to delete a goal.

Once you delete a goal, it will disappear from the directory immediately. There is no way to restore a deleted goal.

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