Tax forms overview

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Many employers are apprehensive about Year-End because it can be difficult and confusing to prepare all the required tax forms for employees. But don't worry. We're here to help!

With Humi Payroll, your Year-End will be uncomplicated since we've streamlined the process for you. Once you've processed your final payroll of the year, Humi will automatically prepare your employee T4, T619, and T4 Summary Records.

Please Note

A friendly reminder that all employers are legally responsible for preparing and issuing employee T4s at the end of the tax year. These tax forms must be issued to employees and submitted to the CRA prior to the issuance or filing deadlines.

Provided by Humi Provided by the Canada Revenue Agency

Humi provides the following tax forms for you to review and file to the CRA:

T4 slip The summary of employment earnings and deductions for the year. Humi will produce a T4 slip for all active and terminated employees who've been paid through Humi Payroll.
T4 Summary Contains the sum of all amounts reported on all employee T4 slips. This information is for your records only and can be viewed as a basic breakdown directly in Humi or as a more detailed version in your download package.
T619s An electronic transmittal record of T4 and T4 Summary. This needs to be downloaded and filed with CRA.
In addition, the T619 can be downloaded and viewed as a text file.

Important Notes

  • If you joined Humi Payroll in the middle of the year, the year-to-date (YTD) earnings and deductions that you imported into Humi during "Payroll Implementation" will be included in the T4 for the entire year.
  • If you switched to Humi in the middle of the year, it's recommended that you follow up with your previous payroll provider to confirm they do not file T4s, as this will overstate actual earnings and will require reconciliation.


The following articles in this guide will focus on the best ways to use the "Tax Form" features in Humi Payroll.

Next: Employee T4s

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