Employee Profile - Job & Pay tab

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In this article, we explained the personal information you'll find in the employee profile. However, suppose you need employment-related information about an employee, such as their bank account, compensation or tax exemptions. In that case, you'll find all of this in the Job & Pay tab.

All admins have access to this page, and managers can only see it for their direct reports. However, note that admins can limit their manager's permissions and access to this page if needed. 

This article will go over the information found in each of these sections in more detail so you can find what you're looking for easily. 


Adding sensitive employee information

We recommend placing any custom fields and custom field groups with sensitive employee information within the Job & Pay tab on the employee profile. Doing this ensures that only admins or managers with permission will be able to see the custom field information.


Default Sections

The default sections in the Job & Pay tab will be shown for all employees in Humi and include basic details of their employment.

Employee Information


The first section is Employment Information, which contains basic details about the employee. The information in these fields is essential because much of it will directly impact certain features in Humi.

Date Hired

This shows the employee's start date and could affect Leave types, depending on how it's been set up. For example, if the employee's vacation accrues upfront, their vacation time will be prorated from their hired date until the year's end.

Important note for re-hiring employees

When re-hiring employees, don't change the "Date Hired" because this will change the employee's historical data at your company. Instead, please follow the Rehire Process.

Reports to

This field shows the employee's direct manager.

Keeping things fresh

This field directly impacts features in Humi, such as the Org Chart and Time Off request notifications, depending on the approval flow, so it's critical to keep this field up to date as the employee moves within the company.

Department & Position

This field shows the office where the employee works. 

Understanding employee location and payroll

If you want to add an employee to Humi Payroll, it's essential to assign employees to the office they report to for tax purposes, no matter where that employee lives.

Office Location

These fields are mainly for tracking purposes and impact the department and position counts.

Assigning the correct office

If you want to add an employee to Humi Payroll, it's essential to assign employees to the office they report to for tax purposes, no matter where that employee lives.

Hours per week, Stock Options, and Additional terms

These fields don't affect any features in Humi, but this information is stored here.


If your employee is set up on Humi Payroll, you'll see an icon here that says "Paying."

If you've just onboarded with Humi and haven't yet set your employee up for Humi Payroll, you'll see a Pay button. To add the employee to Payroll, click the Pay button and confirm.


This action is permanent

Once an employee is added to Payroll, you can't remove them.


Bank Account

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  • If the employee will be paid through Humi Payroll, this section is mandatory.
  • If the employee won’t be paid through Humi, this section is entirely optional.


Current Compensation


This section can't be edited and displays the employee's current compensation details. If you want to change the Current Compensation, you can do so in the next section, Compensation History.

Setting compensation visibility

The employee's manager usually has access to see that employee's salary; however, you can set up the permissions if you don't want managers to have access to their employee's wages.


Compensation History


This section displays a historical record of the employee's Compensation. From here, you can view compensation history, adjust current compensation(s), or create new compensations. All new compensations will be added to this section.

There are two types of compensation you can create:

  • New Compensation: used for compensation increases (raises, promotions etc.)
    To learn how to create a new regular compensation for an employee, click here.

  • Additional Compensation: used to add a concurrent compensation.
    To learn how to add an additional compensation for an employee, click here.

Need to adjust the current compensation?

If you need to make a change to the employee's Current Compensation, click Edit. You’ll be directed to the Edit Compensation page where you can enter the changes.

Keeping compensation up-to-date

The current compensation amount is used in Payroll, so it's crucial to ensure that it's always up to date. When an employee receives a pay increase, keeping this up to date will ensure they get paid accurately.


Additional Sections for Humi Payroll

If an employee is on Humi Payroll, you'll see these additional sections in the Job & Pay tab.

Additional Income Types

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In this section, you can view all Additional income types set up for the employee.

Additional Income Types can help simplify things like recurring car or phone allowances. Instead of manually entering this recurring amount for the employee on every Payroll, you can set it up as an Additional Income Type so it's automatically paid with each pay period.

  1. To add an additional income type for an employee, click + Income Type to open the creation window
  2. Select the desired Income Type from the drop-down
  3. Assign the recurring amount per period.
  4. Once created, a new line item with the specified amount will be added to the employee's Payroll and automatically added to every subsequent Payroll.

Don’t see the income type you’re looking for?

For the sake of this demo, we created the Income Type called “Cell Phone Allowance". That's why it's available in the Income Type dropdown menu in the above example.

If the Income Type you need isn't available in this dropdown, it means that you still need to set it up. Click here to learn how.

Learn more about How to set up Income Types and Allowances.


Vacation Pay Method


This section is where you can change how an employee receives their vacation pay.

There are two options to choose from:

  1. Accrued vacation pay will be banked in Humi and be paid out when this employee takes vacation. (This is the default setting.)
  2. Pay out accrued vacation pay with every payroll.

If you want to change the Vacation Pay Method, click Edit in the top right corner, select the option you prefer, then click Save.



Taxes & Exemptions Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 5.17.44 PM.png

This section shows whether the employee has been granted exemptions from various taxes. These exemptions are set to the Off position by default.

To enable an exemption, click the switch beside the relevant option to toggle it On so it shows the colour green. The employee will now be exempt from that particular tax.

There are four default tax exemptions available in Humi:

  • Income Tax - Do not withhold from employee
    On the TD1 an employee can indicate that their total income for the year from all employers and payers will be less than their total claim amount. If the employee has indicated this on the TD1, the employer will not withhold taxes for the employee.
  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Québec Pension Plan (QPP) Exempt
    • With very few exceptions, all Canadian workers outside of Québec are subject to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, and workers within Québec are subject to Québec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions.
    • CPP is automatically not applied for employees under the age of 18 and over the age of 69.
    • For Quebec employees only, QPP is automatically not applied to employees under the age of 18.
    • QPP is also no longer applied as of January 1st of the calendar year when an employee turns 73. For more information, see the Humi Guide to Taxes and Exemptions.
  • Employment Insurance (EI), Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) Exempt
    Employers, whether incorporated or not, are responsible for deducting Employment Insurance (EI) premiums from all employees, regardless of age. Some earnings are exempt. For Quebec employees, this toggle will also apply an exemption to the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) premium.
  • Workers’ Compensation Exempt
    Most employers are required to pay Workers' Compensation Premiums. Each province has different guidelines and assessable earning thresholds. Learn more about Workers’ Compensation.

Need to enable an Income Tax or CPP/QPP Exemption?

The Income Tax & CPP/QPP Exemption options are disabled by default as they typically require a manual review. However, if you're sure an employee is exempt from one or both of these taxes, please contact Humi support so we can enable the exemption for the chosen employee.

Understanding tax implications

We strongly advise you to consult an accountant to confirm if the employee is eligible for tax exemptions. Adding tax exemptions here will affect the income tax deducted per pay period and the tax remittance to the applicable government body.


Personal Tax Credits & Deductions

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All employees are subject to basic personal tax credits at the federal and provincial levels. These tax credits are automatically applied toward the employees' taxable income and won't be taxed until they exceed the tax credit amounts.

In this and the following two sections, you can review the tax credits in effect and add any necessary additional tax credits or deductions based on the employee's completed personal tax credit form(s).

To learn more about entering personal tax credits and deductions, click here.

Understanding tax implications

We strongly advise you to consult an accountant to confirm if the employee is eligible for additional tax credits. Adding a tax credit or deduction here will affect the income tax deducted per pay period and the associated tax remittance to the applicable government body.


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