If you have employees that hold more than one position, each with potentially different pay rates, you'll need to add an additional compensation. Additional compensations are paid to the employee in addition to their regular pay.
There are two compensations to choose from in Humi:
- Regular Pay – this refers to the compensation an employee receives for their regular position.
Additional Compensation - if your employee holds more than one position, you can create multiple compensations with this option.
This article will explain how to add an additional concurrent compensation in Humi.
Your employee has two roles, and each role is paid at different compensations.
- Their regular job is "Manager." The compensation rate is $21 an hour for 35 hours a week.
- Their additional job role is "Social Media Manager." The compensation rate is $35 an hour for five hours a week.
In this case, you'll need to set up an additional compensation to pay this employee the correct amount for the "Social Media Manager" role.
Add an Additional Compensation
- In People, find the employee's profile by typing their name in the search box.
- Click on the Job & Pay tab in their employee profile and then scroll down to the Compensation History section.
- Click the + Create Compensation button.
Humi will direct you to the Create Compensation page where you'll add the details for the additional compensation.
Create Compensation
We'll explain how to fill in each field on this page.
Compensation Type – select "Hourly" from the dropdown menu.
You can only add an additional compensation using the "Hourly" compensation type.
Compensation – Select "Additional Compensation."
To change the compensation for an employee's regular position, you would need to add a new compensation and select the "Regular Pay" option.
Compensation Name - in this field, you can add a unique compensation name to describe the additional compensation. The "Compensation Name" is commonly the same as the "Job Title," but you can give it any name you prefer.
Rate - enter the dollar amount to pay the employee for this role.
Hours Per Week - enter the number of hours per week that the employee works, which is set by the company.
Humi will automatically set the number of working hours per week at 40. However, you can adjust the number of hours to any amount you need.
Effective Date - enter the date when the employee will receive the additional compensation.
End Date - if the compensation does not have a known end date; you can leave this field blank. You can edit this at any time.
Vacation Pay Percentage - if you want the employee to accrue vacation pay on this compensation, click on "+ Vacation pay" and enter the vacation pay percentage.
Once you’ve completed all the required fields, scroll to the bottom and click Save.
Compensation History
In this section, under the Status column, you'll see both the employee's regular pay and the additional compensation showing as Current.
Concurrent Compensations in Payroll
In Payroll, you’ll see that the employee now has two compensation fields: Regular Pay and the additional compensation added.
Note: If you add a new or additional compensation in the middle of a pay cycle, you'll see a prorated compensation field, as shown below.
All additional compensations will appear as a new line item on the pay stub along with the added insurable hours.
All additional compensations with the same compensation name will appear under the same column header in reporting.
You did it! You now know how to add an additional compensation in Humi.
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