How to remove a concurrent compensation 

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Humi is constantly developing and evolving in order to better serve you. With the addition of income types based on the regular hourly rate, once you add these income types to your payroll, you'll be able to enter an hourly amounts in these fields instead of a dollar value for your hourly employees. 

Income types based on the regular hourly rate

  • Double OT
  • Holiday Pay
  • Time Worked on a Holiday
  • Sick Pay
  • Vacation Pay with Time Off
  • Retroactive Pay Hourly

If you added an additional concurrent compensation for any income types based on the regular hourly rate that is available, you can now remove this compensation and switch over to using this new feature by adding the appropriate income types. Learn how to add an income type.

Unfortunately, you can't delete a compensation after it's been used on any payroll. To remove a concurrent compensation, you must set an "end date" on it. 


It's not mandatory to remove the compensation from your employees. However, if you don't remove the compensation, we strongly recommend that you stop using it for any income types based on the regular hourly rate. Instead, add these income types to your payroll and use the "+ Other income" field to enter the employee's hours on your future payrolls when necessary.  

How to remove a concurrent compensation 

  1. In "People," click on the employee profile. 
  2. Click on the "Job & Pay" tab and scroll down to the "Compensation History" section. 
  3. Click on the three dots on the compensation you want to end and select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. 
  4. In the "End Date" field, click on the calendar icon and select the end date. Screen_Shot_2022-04-21_at_4.07.49_PM.png

That's it, you've successfully set an end date for the compensation and this field will no longer be displayed when you run payroll after this date. 

  Discover more about Income Types

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