How to add independent contractors or consultants to Humi

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Suppose you're one of the many companies that occasionally work with independent contractors or consultants. In that case, you may be wondering how to give them access to specific modules in Humi without adding them as an employee in Humi payroll. 

Some examples could be working with a recruiting firm to help with your hiring efforts, with an accountant who requires access to payroll records & reports, or with contractors for specific projects.

If you're working with a consultant or independent contractor, the dropdowns below provide a step-by-step guide on how to add them to Humi.


How to add independent contractors or consultants to Humi

Step 1: Create a custom role for the consultant

Before adding the consultant to Humi, you should have a custom role available with limited access the consultant will require.

If you don't have the custom role created, click here to learn how to create a custom role. 

Example: Adding a custom role for a Recruiter

If you're working with a recruiter who should only have access to the "Recruiting" module, you should create a custom role that only has access to "Recruiting." 


To do this, follow these steps: 

  1. In Settings, go to Roles & Permissions and click the + Create Custom Role button
  2. Select Create custom role from scratch
  3. Enter a name and description for the custom role and hit Save
  4. In Step 1 - Module Access, click the arrow to open the Navigation dropdown and switch on the Administrator View
  5. Scroll down to Recruiting and click the arrow to reveal Recruiting Access
  6. Ensure both switches are toggled on and showing the colour green
  7. In Step 2 - Permission Levels, click on the Can Access Information For field in the top right corner
  8. Click the dropdown and select All employees
  9. Click Complete, and your new role will be added to Humi!

The custom role for the recruiting consultant has been created, and you can now move on to Step 2!

Important Note

If you want the consultant to have Read-Only access, make sure Administrator View is toggled off and showing as the colour grey. 

Step 2: Add the consultant to Humi

If the consultant doesn't have a Humi account yet, you'll need to add them as an employee so that you can assign them their custom role. Learn how to add an employee to Humi.

When adding the consultant to Humi, on the third step, Onboarding, remove the Employee role and click the + Add button to select the custom role you created for them, as shown below:



The new hire will need to complete the Onboarding process. There are some basic details that are required for all employees in Humi, so you'll need to fill in the mandatory fields such as their name, email, compensation type, etc.

If necessary, you can enter anything that meets the requirements of these fields, such as a false name or a fictitious address. This also works for any information the new hire will fill in themselves during the Onboarding process.

Choosing to collect an Employee’s SIN

To help make Humi accessible for employees everywhere, you can choose whether you'd like to collect an employee's Social Insurance Number (SIN). If turned on, the employee will be required to enter their SIN during onboarding to complete the process. This setting is handy for hiring someone who is working as a contractor or an independent consultant or if you're hiring someone from outside of Canada.

Learn how to turn off employee SIN collection by following the steps below:

If you don't have Humi Payroll If you do have Humi Payroll


  1. In People, under the Directory tab, click the "+ Employee" button in the top right
  2. In the first step of the hiring process, scroll down to the Employee SIN section and make sure the switch is turned off and showing as the colour grey

Important note: Do not sync to Humi Payroll

When you add the consultant as an employee in Humi, DO NOT switch on the Humi Payroll switch. Only employees paid through Humi Payroll can be added to Payroll reports.

Humi does not handle contractor payments. Currently, we would advise against issuing payments to consultants through Humi as it is an audit risk. If the consultant registered as a Sole Proprietor or Incorporation they would be needed to be treated as a Business to Business relationship. At the moment, Humi is not able to support this type of relationship.

Due to this, Humi does not currently support the issuing of T4As.

That's it! You're ready to add contractors or consultants to Humi whenever you need to. Use the links below to learn more about what you can do with the People module.


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