How to Assign Additional Roles to an Employee

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Promotions are an excellent way to reduce turnover, boost morale, and demonstrate to your employees that you appreciate the effort they put in every day.

If you recently promoted or hired an employee who needs the manager or admin role, this article walks you through how to assign the employee to the new role.

If you haven't read it yet, check out this article that explains in detail Humi's three default roles:

  • Employee – all employees have this role and have very limited access to Humi functions.
  • Manager – only specific employees are assigned this role. Managers have less access than admins but more than employees.
  • Admin – Typically, only 1-2 employees are assigned this role. Admins have unrestricted access to edit and view everything in Humi. 


How to assign an additional default role

  1. In Settings, click on the Roles & Permissions tab
  2. The default roles are listed in the first section, with a brief description. Below this, you'll see any custom roles that have been created. Learn more about custom roles. 
  3. Click on the default role that you want to assign, and you'll automatically be directed to the Role Details page. Screen-Recording-2022-07-28-at-9.55.42-AM.gif
  4. Next, select the Employee tab, then click the Assign Employees button. Screen_Shot_2022-07-28_at_10.32.43_AM.png
  5. In the pop-up, select the employee(s) to whom you would like to assign the role. You can easily find the employee's name by using filters, the search bar, or scrolling through the list.
  6. When you click on their name, it will move them to the Selected column.
  7. When you're done, click Assign. Screen_Shot_2022-07-28_at_10.26.01_AM.png
  8. The employee you added to the role will now be displayed under the Employees tab. Screen_Shot_2022-07-28_at_10.31.04_AM.png


You're done! If you need to assign any other default or custom role to any employee, simply repeat the steps above.


Assigning Multiple Roles

When employees have more than one role assigned to them, they can easily switch between them by clicking on the dropdown next to their name and selecting the role they need. Learn how to switch between multiple roles in Humi. 

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