Default roles in Humi

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When it comes to your employees' information, providing the right amount of access to each person is an important part of your team's success. Humi helps make this easy with integrated Roles & Permissions.

This article will explain the three default roles in Humi, how to view their set permissions, and how to toggle between them.

To get started, head to Settings and click on the Roles & Permissions tab. This is where you can view Humi's default roles, create custom roles, view an employee's assigned roles, and assign additional roles or remove additional roles.  



Understanding the Default Roles

Humi comes with three default roles to help get you started. These three roles have set permissions that can't be edited or changed. This means that if you'd like to grant different permissions, you will need to create a custom role with the desired permissions. You can use the permissions of an existing default role as a template or create a new one from scratch. Click here to learn how to create custom roles. 

Click through the tabs below to learn about each role.

Admin Manager Employee

Admin Role

The default admin role has full, unrestricted access to all product modules and can view, add, and edit all employee information. Typically, this role is assigned to a select few people in your company who need unlimited access to Humi.

You can click on each tab of the permission levels to view the specific permissions for each module in Humi.


Permissions Icon Legend

Each line has one highlighted icon in a light green colour, which represents the level of access the assignee has in their role.

  The lock symbol means they have no access to that information.
  The eye symbol means they can only view the information
  The pencil icon means they can edit the information.


What information can the default roles access?

Each default role has its own unique permissions. To see the exact information each default role has access to, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the name of the default role, and Humi will direct you to the "Role details" page.
  2. Click the "View Permissions" button.
  3. On the first page, Module Access, you'll be able to see which modules this default role has access to. Click on the dropdown arrow on each module to see specific permission details for each module. When you're done, click "Next."
  4. On the second page, Permission levels, you'll see who's information the default role has access to in the top right corner.
  5. In the screenshot below, you can see the permission levels for the "Manager" default role. You can click on each tab to see the specific information managers can access for their direct reports.



How to toggle between roles

By default, everyone should have the "Employee" role. This means all managers and admins should have an "employee" role in addition to their "manager" or "admin" role. You can toggle between roles using the dropdown arrow beside your name, hover over "Roles," and select the role you need.  


If an employee doesn't have the employee role, it should be added to their profile. The only time this would happen is if they were uploaded to Humi with the "Admin" or "Manager" role during implementation and thus never assigned the employee role.

Those are all of the default roles and permissions in Humi! Use the links below to learn more about Roles & Permissions.


  Discover more about Roles & Permissions

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