Records of Employment (ROE) Guide - How to Issue, Edit, and Review ROEs

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Creating an accurate Record of Employment (ROE) can be nerve-racking. The good news is that Humi can do the majority of the heavy lifting for you by helping to generate this important form.

There are a few sections that require manual entry from you, so if you're an existing Humi customer, follow the steps below to get started! 

Important Notes

  • If you're a new Humi customer or are still in the onboarding process, you MUST issue all outstanding ROEs with your previous provider BEFORE setting up your Payroll with Humi. The start dates on all ROEs issued by Humi will be the start date you joined Humi for Payroll. 

  • Please keep in mind that the ROEs listed in Humi are NOT finalized copies.
  • ROEs listed in Humi can only be downloaded in XML file format.
  • ROEs are only considered final once they have been submitted or uploaded to the Government of Canada's Web ROEand a serial number is issued.
  • Humi can submit ROEs to the Government of Canada (GoC) on your behalf directly through your account, but only if you submit the document authorizing this action.
  • Service Canada shares ROE information with the Government of Québec, which administers the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP). As a result of QPIP, no changes are planned to the ROE.

Need a little extra help?

For detailed instructions, check out the Government of Canada's guide on How to complete the record of employment (ROE) form.

How to find an ROE that's already been issued

If you've already issued an ROE and want to make more edits, go to Payroll > Records tab > select ROEs from the drop-down menu > search for ROE by employee name


Step 1 -  Determine Employee's Status

Depending on the status of the employee you're issuing an ROE for, there may be a few additional steps you need to take.

Select the status of your employee from the tabs below to ensure you've got all your ducks in a row:

Active On Leave Terminated

Issuing an ROE for an Active Employee

Sometimes you need to create an ROE for an employee who is still actively employed with your business.

This will be necessary if:

  • You change your payroll frequency
  • You change your payroll service provider
  • The business changes ownership
  • Your employee requests an ROE
  • Or if an ROE is requested by Service Canada

In these situations, you can simply prepare an ROE up to the day the request is being fulfilled and enter the appropriate reason code.


Step 2 - How to Issue an ROE in Humi

There are a few parts to generating ROEs in Humi. While the process does require some good attention to detail, the steps below will help walk you through each step with ease.

  1. In People, under the Directory tab, click on the filter icon next to the Status column
  2. Select the relevant status for the employee

    Screenshot 2023-06-06 at 10.37.14 AM.png
  3. Search for and select the employee you'd like to issue an ROE for and Humi will direct you to their employee profile
  4. Click the three dots in the top right corner and select Issue ROE from the dropdown

    Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 4.38.27 PM.png


Step 3 - How to Edit an ROE

Once you click Issue ROE, Humi will direct you to the Edit Record of Employment page.


  1. The first section, Employee (Block 9), is auto-populated with information from the employee's profile. If any of these fields are incorrect or need to be updated, you must do so in their employee profile.
    1. Update the employee's profile information
    2. Use the three dots in the upper right-hand corner to reissue the ROE by selecting Issue ROE from the dropdown menu.
    3. The information on the ROE will now be updated.
  2. Next, review each field and enter any missing information or modify existing values.
  3. Select the applicable Reason Code
  4. When you've completed the ROE, click Save.

Have you double-checked?

There are some fields on this page that must be filled in with information or there will be an error in the submission. Payroll administrators should thoroughly review the information on this page to ensure that it's complete and accurate. ROE dates, insurable hours, and total earnings are all things to keep an eye out for.

Need more instructions?

For more information on how to complete the ROE form, check out this article from the GoC: How to complete the Record of Employment (ROE) form.
If you've already issued the ROE in Humi, and have made an additional payment on an off-cycle payroll, see this article: How to Amend an ROE.


Step 4 - How to Make Additional Changes to an ROE After Saving

If you've clicked save only to realize that you need to correct something or make an adjustment within the ROE, don't worry! You can still easily make the changes.


  • The ROE isn't final until it's been submitted to Service Canada's Web ROE portal.
  • Please note that once the status of the ROE is changed to Pending or Submitted in Humi, it's not possible to make any modifications directly within the platform.
    If changes are needed, you'll have to hop over to the Service Canada ROE Web to do so. Check out this handy article for a step-by-step guide on how to amend an ROE for more detailed information.
  • Learn more about How to Submit an ROE to the GoC.

To make an adjustment, follow the quick steps below:

  1. On the ROE page, click on the three dots on the top right, then select Edit from the dropdown.
  2. Make the adjustments needed and click Save when finished.


Step 5 - How to Review an ROE

Once you've issued an ROE, you'll find it stored as a payroll record.

  1. In Payroll, click on the Records dropdown and select ROEs.   Screen_Shot_2022-11-01_at_11.58.28_AM.png
  2. Scroll or use the search bar to find the ROE that needs to be reviewed and click on it. 


How to Authorize Humi to Submit ROEs

If you'd like Humi to submit ROEs to the Government of Canada on your behalf, please contact support to request an ROE authorization form.


If you've made it this far, congratulations; we know this was a monster of an article! We hope this makes submitting ROEs a little less intimidating and that you feel more at ease doing so now!

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