Welcome to our Company FAQs page!
We've gathered answers to the most frequently asked questions about using the Company module to help you better understand and navigate the system. This page is your go-to resource for quick insights and troubleshooting tips.
Simply click on any question below to find the information you need.
With remote work becoming more popular, companies are providing equipment to employees which are known as Company Assets.
Humi's Asset Tracker lets admins easily monitor these assets, including details like category, assigned employee, dates, serial numbers, and cost.
How to Add An Asset
- In Company, click on the Assets tab and select Log from the dropdown options
- Click on the + Add an asset button in the top right corner
- Using the pop-up, enter all the relevant information for the asset
- When you're done, click Save to add the asset to Humi
Read this article for detailed instructions on using this fantastic tool.
Comma-separated values, or CSVs as they're more commonly known, are simple text files that delimit data with commas. Thanks to their simplicity, CSV files are commonly used to import/export data from different systems.
We've created a comprehensive article that covers everything you need to know about CSV files. You can read it here.
You can't delete an office location with employees assigned to it. So before you can delete the office location, you'll need to reassign its employees to a different location from their employee profile.
- Under the Offices tab in the Company module, you can click on any existing office location to open a detailed view. On this page, you'll find the address information and all employees currently assigned to that office.
- As an admin, you can delete irrelevant offices using the three dots in the top right.
- Select Delete from the drop-down.
- Humi will ask you to confirm the decision.
- Once you click the Delete button again, the office will be permanently removed from Humi.
As an Admin, you can easily add new positions, change existing ones, and update the employees assigned to each.
How to Add a New Position
- In Company, under the Positions tab, click on the Create Position button in the top right
- Using the pop-up, you can create a position name, select a corresponding colour, and add a brief description
- Once you're done, hit the save button in the bottom right to add your new position to Humi
- You'll be taken to a detailed view of the newly added position
- To view it alongside the rest of your roster, head back to the Positions tab by clicking the Back button in the top left
Related Articles: How To Add Or Update Company Positions
To update the admin's email in Humi, follow these steps:
- In the Company module, click Edit in the Company Information section.
- Enter the new email in the Notification Email field.
- Click Save.
The admin's email will then be updated.
Calendar Feeds allow you to add and subscribe to your employee's work anniversaries, birthdays, and time off by linking the details in Humi directly to your Google, Apple, or Outlook calendar.
We've created a comprehensive article that covers everything you need to know about setting up Calendar Feeds. You can read it here.
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