If you've been assigned an interview in Humi but don't know what to do next, you're in the right place. This article will explain how to complete an assigned interview.
Admins create "Interviews" in Humi to provide interviewers with standardized interview questions for each job posting.
The questions in your assigned "Interview" can be structured in a few different ways including:
A structured interview guide for the interviewer containing a list of specific interview questions to ask the applicant (ex: Tell me about a challenge or conflict you've faced at work and how you dealt with it).
Feedback questions about the applicant that are solely meant for the interviewer (ex: What are the applicant's strengths and/or areas of concern?)
A combination of both types of questions
If the interview was created with specific interview questions to ask the applicant, you should have it open while conducting your interview so you can ask the questions and record the applicant's responses directly in Humi.
If you landed here before reading this article, "Start here – Interview Overview," we recommend a quick read-through to better understand the "Interviews" feature.
"Interview" notifications
When you're assigned an interview, you'll receive two notifications – an email and a notification on your Humi dashboard like this:
If you click on the notification from the dashboard, you'll be directed to the applicant's interview page. Click "Open" to view the interview questions.
How to complete your "Interview"
Before meeting with the applicant for your in-person or virtual interview, open the "Interview" in Humi.
1. In "Recruiting," under your "My Interviews" tab, scroll or use the search bar to find the applicant you're interviewing, then click anywhere on the line except the applicant's name to open the interview.
If you click on the applicant's name, you'll be directed to their applicant profile instead of the interview.
2. This is the "Interview" to complete for this applicant. We recommend checking the "Details" section to confirm you're in the correct "Interview" for the right applicant before starting the interview.
While conducting your interview with the applicant, ask these questions and record their responses directly in Humi.
Humi saves your responses as you enter them, so if you cannot submit the interview right away, you can leave by clicking the "Back" link. Then, when you're ready to complete the interview, you can continue where you left off by finding the interview in your "My Interviews" tab.
3. When all your answers are finalized, the last section of the interview is the "Final Evaluation." Before submitting the interview, you must evaluate the applicant with a "Pass" or "Fail" rating.
Once you submit the interview, you can't make any changes to the interview.
Once all other assigned interviewers have completed their interview, you'll be able to see everyone's responses about the applicant. We've done this to help reduce hiring bias to prevent one person's feedback from biasing another person's feedback.
Admins can see all submitted interviews regardless of whether or not they've all been submitted.
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