Payroll Reports Guide

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Reports are powerful tools that help us better understand what's happening in our business. However, they're only helpful if you understand the report information and how to use it.

We know reporting is vital in managing payroll, so Humi has seven handy payroll reports available so you can explore and get the most out of your data.

In Reporting under the Payroll tab, you'll find these reports: 

  • Payroll Register
  • Year-to-date Report
  • CRA Remittance Report
  • Revenu Québec Remittance Report
  • Journal Entry Report
  • Benefits Report
  • PIER Analysis
  • T4 Preview Report
  • RL1 Preview Report (QC)
  • Employer Payroll Tax Report (Per Province)
  • Workers' Compensation Report

This article will explain each payroll report and how to filter and export the information. 



How to Use Payroll Reports

To get started, go to Reporting and click on Payroll. Have a look through the dropdowns below to learn about each available report.

Payroll Register

The Payroll Register Report is an itemized report of your employees' earnings, deductions, contributions and reimbursements, which can be exported as a PDF or Excel file.

You'll also find the Company Payroll Register here, which displays the total amount paid by your company.


You can filter the report and edit the date range by annual, quarter, month, or per pay period.Screen_Shot_2021-12-17_at_4.04.26_PM.png

By default, the Payroll Register Report will only include paid or pending payrolls.

Once your filters are in place, select the Export button and select the file format you prefer from the dropdown menu. 

We recommend that you review the Payroll Register Report before each payroll run so that you can reduce the chance of errors. Additionally, this report enables you to confirm all changes are reflected in the live payroll as intended.

A note about Off-Cycle Payrolls

Off-Cycle Payrolls don't have individual registers. Instead, they're included in the regular payroll register that contains the "Off-Cycle" pay date.

Year-to-Date (YTD) Report
The YTD Report is essentially a payroll snapshot that displays your company's YTD amounts. As a result, it's a report best suited for quickly isolating granular payroll details about specific payroll periods.

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This report is a running total of all earnings and deductions, as well as adjustments, split up by the year, employee, line item type, and pay periods for the current year to the date you are viewing it.

You can export the data into an excel file by clicking the Export Excel button in the upper right corner.

Like the Payroll Register, you can edit the report's date range by annual, quarter, month, or per pay period.

This report also includes the historical YTD payroll data that was imported into Humi during your Onboarding.

CRA Remittance Report
This report is a helpful tool for keeping track of all remittances that have been sent or will be sent on your behalf, according to your remittance schedule.

The Remittance Report displays all statutory remittance records for each pay period and when they're due, such as:

  • CPP
  • CPP 2
  • EI
  • Income tax

You can filter and edit the report's date range by annual, quarter, month, or per pay period.

If you'd like to export the data into an Excel file, you can click the Export Excel button in the top right corner.

Based on your company's remittance frequency, we recommend reviewing this report periodically to confirm that the remittances are always sent on time.

Handling remittances

In cases where Payrolls are run past the remittance due date, or you have elected to submit remittance on your own, the remittance transactions are not processed through Humi and will not appear on the report.

Revenu Québec Remittance Report

This report is a helpful tool for keeping track of all remittances that have been sent or will be sent on your behalf, according to your remittance schedule.

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The Revenu Québec Remittance Report displays all statutory remittance records for each pay period and when they're due, such as:

  • QPIP
  • QPP
  • QPP 2
  • Income tax

You can filter and edit the report's date range by annual, quarter, month, or per pay period.

If you would like to export the data into an excel file, you can click the Export Excel button in the top right corner.

Based on your company's remittance frequency, we recommend reviewing this report periodically to confirm that the remittances are always sent on time.

Handling Remittances

In cases where Payrolls are run past the remittance due date, or you have elected to submit remittance on your own, the remittance transactions are not processed through Humi and will not appear on the report.

Journal Entry Report
With the Journal Entry Report, you can export your payroll history with just one click.

On this page, you can:

  • Filter the reports based on pay period, month, quarter, and year
  • Assign General Ledger (GL) codes to income types in Report Settings
  • Assign department codes and create department-specific reports with GL codes in Report Settings
  • Export reports as CSV, Excel, and PDF files by clicking the Export button in the top right corner

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This is an excellent report to share with your accountant!

Benefits Report

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This is a detailed report of employee benefits processed each pay period.

Under the Company tab, you'll find the total sum that the company has paid for benefits. 

You can filter and edit the report's date range by annual, quarter, month, or per pay period.

You can export the data into an Excel or CSV file by clicking the Export button in the top right corner.

PIER Analysis
PIER stands for Pensionable and Insurable Earnings Review (PIER). This report will help you identify any potential discrepancies in the following:
  • Employee CPP
  • Employer CPP
  • Employee EI
  • Employer EI


You can see a discrepancy if there's an amount other than zero in any of the "variance" fields. 

You can filter and edit the report's date range by year using the Filter button in the top right corner. You can also export this report to CSV using the Export CSV button in the upper right corner.

T4 Preview Report

The T4 Preview Report allows you to generate a box-by-box preview of your T4s, broken down by each employee.


This report is designed to help you quickly review where earning codes are mapped and check for accuracy.

Do this before you generate your T4s to avoid mistakes and time-consuming T4 Amendments

You can filter and edit the report's date range by year using the Filter button in the top right corner. You can also export this report to CSV using the Export CSV button in the top right corner. 

Important Note

Every year in November, the CRA releases T4 Instructions. The T4 Preview Report uses the most current instructions to populate data.

For example, if you wanted to run a T4 Preview Report for the 2022 calendar year in March 2022, the T4 Preview Report will use the 2021 T4 Instructions to build the report because the CRA will not release T4 Instructions until November 2022.

RL-1 Preview Report (QC)

The RL-1 Preview Report allows you to generate a box-by-box preview of your RL-1s, broken down by each employee.

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 2.25.31 PM.png

This report is designed to help you quickly review where earning codes are mapped and check for accuracy.

Do this before generating your RL-1s to avoid mistakes and time-consuming RL-1 Amendments.

You can filter and edit the report's date range by year using the Filter button in the top right corner. You can also export this report to CSV using the Export CSV button in the top right corner.

Important Note

Every year in the fall, Revenue Québec releases RL-1 Instructions. The RL-1 Preview Report uses the most current instructions to populate data.

For example, if you want to run an RL-1 Preview Report for the 2022 calendar year in March 2022, the RL-1 Preview Report will use the 2021 RL-1 instructions to build the report because the CRA will not release RL-1 Instructions until November 2022.

Employer Payroll Tax Report (Per Province)


The Employer Payroll Tax Report (Per Province) provides a clear breakdown by pay period of factors affecting the provincial employer-paid health tax (EHT/EPT/QHSF) calculations. This includes the taxable dollars, the exemption applied for your business, the tax rate used, and the total owing.

A separate report will be created for each province where your company owes EHT/EPT, depending on where your employees work.

For example:

  • British Columbia Employer Health Tax (BC EHT) Report
  • Québec Health Services Fund (QHSF) Report

Learn more about EHT/EPT. 

Need a custom exemption?

Humi has programmed in the basic exemptions by default, but if you need to create a custom EHT/EPT/QHSF exemption, simply reach out to our support team.

Are you in the Northwest Territories or Nunavut?

Currently, Humi doesn't calculate EPT/EHT for the Northwest Territories or Nunavut. If you have employees who report to an office in these locations, you’ll need to calculate EHT/EPT manually.

Workers' Compensation Report

The Workers' Compensation Report provides a clear breakdown of important details in your Workers' Compensation Calculations. Check out the table below to learn about the information included in each field.


This is the jurisdiction in which the employee worked. If the employee works in more than one province in the year, they will have more than one row in the report.

Total Workers’ Comp Assessable

This is a total of the employee's earnings that are considered “assessable” by the jurisdiction

Workers’ Comp Assessable

This is a total of the employee's earnings that are considered “assessable” by the jurisdiction, up to the maximum assessable earnings threshold set by the jurisdiction.

Rate name

The name set by the user when setting up the Workers’ Compensation rate.


The rate set by the user when setting up the Workers’ Compensation rate.

Premium Calculation

The Workers’ Compensation Assessable value multiplied by the Workers’ Compensation rate.

Excess Earnings

The difference between the Total Workers’ Comp Assessable and the Workers’ Comp Assessable. This will be $0 if the employee does not exceed the maximum assessable earnings threshold set by the jurisdiction.


How to Filter a Report

Each report has a set of filters that can be applied to target the data you need most. This is most commonly used to specify the date range you'd like to capture in your report. Check out the steps below to learn how to harness this handy tool.

  1. To filter your data, simply click the Filter button in the upper right and apply the desired settings.
  2. When you're ready, hit Save, and your report will be filtered to show only the data you requested.


  Discover More About Payroll

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