With Humi Mobile, keeping track of your recent paystubs is a few simple taps away. This article will go over how to view your paystubs in the app.
How to View Your Paystubs in the App
To get started, open Humi Mobile and log in
You'll want to log in using the same method you use to access the desktop version of Humi. For instance, if your company uses Single Sign-On (SSO), you can use that here too.
Once you've logged in, tap the hamburger in the top left to open the navigation menu
Tap Paystubs
In Paystubs, you'll see a list of all your past paystubs in order of the date they were sent to you
Tap on any paystub to open a detailed view with everything you need to know about your pay
Want to dig a little deeper?
Humi shows a preview of your most recent paystubs in the app. If you want to download your paystub or need more information than what is available in-app, you can view your entire paystub history when you log in to humi.ca.
What Paystub Information Can I See in the App?
The Paystubs view will show you everything you need to know about your paystub history, including:
- Pay summary
- A simple breakdown of your Gross Pay, Deductions, and Net Pay.
- Earnings
- How many hours you worked, any sick pay earned, etc.
- Deductions
- Income Tax, CPP, EI, Benefit Plan Contributions, etc.
Humi Tip
You can also view your bank account and compensation details in the app. To do so, head to your Profile and tap the Job & Pay tab. Click here to learn more.
Something look off?
If you notice any pay discrepancies, do not contact Humi support. Instead, please reach out to your company's payroll admin for help.
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