Step 1: Create a survey template

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If you've ever created a performance review template, you may not need to continue reading this article because the process is exactly the same!

Before sending a survey to your employees, you must create the survey template. The survey template is the survey itself; it's where you'll add all of the survey questions that you want participants to answer.

These templates are shared between the "Performance" module and "Surveys" module, so templates created in either of these modules will be displayed on the templates dropdown menu. 

Designed for Admins

Surveys offer admins a streamlined way to collect data from employees. By default, management of this module is accessible to admins and custom roles who are assigned survey permissions.


How to create a survey template

1. In "Surveys," click on the "Templates" tab and click the "+ Create Template" button on the top right corner. Screen_Shot_2022-07-20_at_3.51.17_PM.png


2. Add the survey template name and description, then click "Save."



The name and the description will appear in the template directory. If you want a specific template, you can effortlessly search for any keyword in the name or description to quickly find the survey you need. 

3. You'll be automatically directed to the template details page. To add your survey questions, click "Edit" on the top right corner of the "Template Questions" section. Screen_Shot_2022-07-20_at_4.09.19_PM.png

4. Add your survey questions. 

There are five types of questions:
  • Freeform – Participants can type in their response to the question.
  • Rating - Participants can select a star rating to answer the question.
  • Agree/disagree - Participants will select how much they agree with the statement on a 5-point scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree."
  • True/false - Participants will select whether the statement is true or false.
  • Multiple choice - You can add several options for employees to choose from; however, they can only select one answer. 

Select the question type you want to add from the toolkit, then drag and drop it onto the survey template. All questions will automatically be saved as you add them to the template.

Type your question in the field, "Type your question here." 

You can reorganize the order of the questions by dragging and dropping them to the location you prefer.

If you want to delete a question, click "Delete" on the top right corner of the question. 


If you have a long-form question and want to add a new line to format it for better readability, move the text cursor where you want the new line to begin, then press the shift + enter key in combination to create a new line.

All survey questions are mandatory, so employees will be required to answer all questions to complete the survey.

Once you've added all the survey questions you need, click "Back" to go back to the template details page. Screen_Shot_2022-07-20_at_4.30.57_PM.png

You'll see the number of questions you added in the Template Questions section. Before sending the survey, you can continue to add or remove survey questions by clicking "Edit." 

That's it! Your survey template is created, and you can now create and send a new survey to your employees. Keep reading the articles below to learn more about using the Surveys module. 

  Discover more about Surveys

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