Step 2: Add Employees to Benefits

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We're almost done, yay! But don't pop the confetti just yet, because we still have one last step to complete.

Setting up benefits is a two-step process:

  1. Create the benefit 
  2. Add Employees to the benefit or add employees to the benefit in bulk

Now that you've created the benefit, it's time to add your employees to it.

I don't know about you, but checking off a task on a "to-do" list is one of the most satisfying feelings, ever. Spoiler alert, we’re about to check off item #2!


If you landed on this page before creating your benefit, you'll need to do that first.
Learn how to do this in this support article: "Step 1: Create a Benefit."

Add Employees to Benefits


The gif above shows all the steps described below. 

1. In "Payroll" select the "Benefits & Deductions" tab and then click on "Benefits" from the dropdown options.

2. If you already have several different benefits set up, you'll see them all listed here. Use the search box to find the benefit you want to add employees to and click on it.

3. Now that you're in the benefit, select the "Employees" tab. In the screenshot below, the benefit we are adding employees to is "Dental." 


4. Look at the top right corner and click on the "Add/Remove Employees" button.

The "Assign Employees" modal will pop up and you can select the employees you want to add to this benefit here.
To find the employees you need, you can do so in a few ways:

  • Use filters to find the employees you need. You can filter by department, position or employment status. For example, if you want to add benefits to "onboarding" employees, then you can filter by "onboarding" status.
  • Search by the employee name using the search box.
  • Click "Select Page" to quickly select all employees.

Once you've selected the employees, click the "Select" button.


4. All the employees you selected will be added to the benefit and your page will look similar to this:


From here, you'll need to update the information in each column. Below is an explanation of what each column means:

Effective Date

The benefit "Effective Date" will default to the date that you've added the employee to the benefit.

If you want to set an employee up in advance, click on the calendar icon and select their future effective date.

An example of when this could be useful is if you have a probationary period before your employees get their benefits. When you onboard new employees, you can add them to the benefit and then schedule the "Effective Date" for the end of their probationary period. 

Important Note

Please keep in mind that Humi Payroll will not prorate benefits.

This means if the "Effective Date" is in the middle of a pay period, the full premium amount will be deducted from the employee's pay cheque. The premium amount won't be prorated or adjusted for the actual days the employee worked.

Employee Premium

If the total cost of the benefit isn't covered by the company then the "Employee Premium" is the difference that will be paid by the employee.
For example, if the company pays for 80% of the benefit price, then the employee premium would be the remaining 20%.
Premium amounts can be set up as a dollar value or a percentage based on their compensation. This amount will be deducted from the employee's pay cheque.


The percentage amount does not include income types such as "Bonuses" and "Commissions"

Company Contribution

This is the amount the company pays for the benefit. This is tracked through payroll for tax and reporting purposes.
For example, if the company pays 80% of the benefit price, you would enter that amount in this field. This can be set as a dollar amount or a percentage based on the employee's compensation.


The percentage does not include income types such as "Bonuses" and "Commissions"



This allows you to set when you'd like the employee premiums to be deducted from your employee's pay cheque. The default is each pay period but if you prefer a different frequency, you can change it to any of these options:

  • The first pay period 
  • The second pay period 
  • Last pay period
  • Each pay period
  • Just once

If you'd like to add employees to a benefit in bulk, you have two options:

Option 1: CSV Import


  1. In the top right corner, click "CSV Import" and select "Download Template."
  2. Fill in this CSV file with your employee benefits information and then save it.
  3. Next, upload the completed CSV template by clicking on the "CSV Import" button and selecting "Upload Template" from the dropdown.
  4. Select the CSV template you just saved and then your employee benefits information will be updated in Humi. 

Option 2: You can select multiple employees and apply your configurations at one time.

To do this, click on the empty check box next to each employee's name. When you do this, a bulk editing tool will display at the bottom of the screen.


Fill in the information requested and click the "Save" button. All of the selected employees will be assigned the same configurations at one time.

Next: Deductions

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