Pay Schedule Configuration

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During your initial onboarding with Humi, one of our fantastic payroll implementation members set up your pay schedule according to your required details. 

If that was a while ago and you're unsure about your pay schedule configuration, you can find all of these details in "Payroll" under the "Settings" tab.  

When you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you'll see your pay schedule information in the "Schedule" section. 

Payroll start date

This is the date of the first payroll that was processed through Humi. Usually, this date is when we did the first "dry-run" payroll to ensure your payroll details were set up correctly before officially running payroll for the first time. 


This refers to how often employees get paid their salaries.

There are a few frequencies to choose from including: monthly, semi-monthly, weekly, bi-weekly.

Day of the week

This is the day that your employees get paid their salary and is only applicable to "week-based" frequencies such as "weekly" and "bi-weekly" pay schedules.

Since most financial institutions don't process payments on the weekends, you can only choose a date from Monday to Friday.

Days of the month

This is applicable for "month-based" pay frequencies.

If you're paying your employees on a semi-monthly schedule, the most common options are the 1st & 15th, or the 16th and last day of the month.

For a monthly pay schedule, the most common options are the 1st, 15th, or the last day of the month.

Days in arrears

This refers to the number of days between the date the period ends and the pay date.

For example, if you have a period ending date of July 17th and a pay date of July 17th, the days in arrears would be zero.

If you require any modifications, don't hesitate to get in touch with

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