If you need to change your password, update your profile picture, or add another email address to your account, accessing your basic account settings is a few simple clicks away. In Profile, you'll find the Account tab, where you can manage the settings and details of your Humi account. Have a look through the article below to learn more about each section.
Profile Picture
Your Profile Picture allows you to show up in Humi as your best self, whether you display a beautiful headshot or a fun, adventurous selfie! Your profile picture will show next to your name in places all over Humi, so make sure to choose a good one.
How to upload a profile picture:
- To upload a profile picture, click on the pencil icon above your name
- In the pop-up, you can drag & drop your image right into Humi or click "Browse Files" to select an image from your computer
- Once you upload your image, use the crosshairs to draw a circle around the area of the image you'd like to use
- When you've decided on the size of the circle, you can drag it around the image to fine-tune your selection
- When you're happy with the result, hit Save to add your profile picture to Humi
Don't like the photo you chose?
If you decide you don't like the picture you've chosen, click anywhere outside the edit window to cancel the upload. Keep in mind that once you click save and your profile picture has been added to Humi, the only way to remove it is to replace it with a new image.
Account Information
The Account Information section is where you can find details about when your account was created and activated. This section also allows you to toggle between English and French as the displayed language for your personal view of Humi. Don't worry—this doesn't affect the default language for your Company's settings.
How to change your default language:
- To select your preferred language, click the Edit button in the upper right
- Use the pop-up to choose English or French from the dropdown options
- Hit Save, and Humi will automatically update to display in your desired language
The Password section is where you can manage the password you use to log in to Humi.
How to update your password:
- To change your password, click the Edit button in the upper right
- In the pop-up, enter your new password
- Hit Save to update your password in Humi
Want a more detailed walkthrough?
If you would like more detailed instructions on how to update your password, please click here.
Danger Zone
Any changes to your password will take effect immediately upon hitting Save.
Account Security
The Account Security section allows you to opt into Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for your personal Humi account. This added layer of security helps protect your account by requiring a one-time passcode to be entered each time you log in. MFA can be configured using an authenticator app or Text/SMS.
Available Verification Methods:
- One-time password using an authenticator app
- Text/SMS
How to Enable MFA on Your Account
- Login to Humi and head to your Profile.
- Click on the Account tab and scroll down to the Account Security section.
- Click the toggle on the right side to enable MFA.
- A pop-up will show some important information. Be sure to read through it before clicking Continue.
- You will be logged out of Humi and prompted to complete the MFA setup.
Go through the steps to enable MFA with your chosen authentication method.
- MFA can only be enabled using an Authenticator app or Text/SMS. After enabling MFA, an email code option will also be available.
- You’ll be given a recovery code that will allow you to recover your account in the event you lose access to your verification method. Please securely store the recovery code.
- When you’re done, you’ll be ready to use Humi with the added security of MFA!
- Once MFA is enabled, every time you log in to Humi, you'll be prompted to enter the one-time code provided by your chosen verification method.
Why is MFA already turned on?
In some cases, your company admin(s) may have enabled MFA for you. If this is the case, you won't be able to adjust this setting in your profile. If you need help accessing your account, please read the section below.
What if I Lose Access to My Verification Method?
When you enable MFA, you’ll be given a recovery code that you can use to regain access to your account should you ever need to. Please securely store the recovery code you're given during MFA enrollment in case you lose access to your verification method.
In the case where you lose access to your authentication method and recovery code, a one-time email code can also be used to recover your account.
The Emails section allows you to view, add, edit, or delete the email addresses connected to your personal Humi account.
What is an Email Status?
The status of an email address indicates what that email is being used for in Humi. Have a look through the three possible statuses below to learn what each one means:
Status | Description |
Primary |
This address receives all the Humi notification emails for your account whenever something happens in Humi, whether an announcement from management or a change to your account details. You can use this email to log in, check notifications, and stay up-to-date on your account. By default, the primary email address will be the same as the one used to create your account. |
Verified |
This address is verified but not set as the primary email. This means that it can be used to log in to Humi, but you won't receive any email notifications to this address. |
Unverified |
This address is pending email verification. You won't be able to use this email to log in to your account until the email address is verified. To verify an email address, you can check your inbox for an invite from Humi. Be sure to look in your spam and junk folders, just in case! |
Need to update your email?
You can change the emails in your Humi account at any time. To learn how to add or update an email in your Humi, click here.
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