How to send an "Onboarding Invite" to a new employee

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We know both you and the new employee have a lot of tasks to complete during the onboarding process. So if you have an employee who should have completed their onboarding but hasn't yet, it's likely that they missed the onboarding email that's automatically sent to them when you "hire" them in Humi.

Don't stress, because if this happens, you can quickly resend it to them with a friendly reminder to complete their onboarding and create their Humi account.

To do this, you can either:

  • Resend the onboarding invite via email (the email will include the activation link)
  • Send the activation link directly to them

How to resend the onboarding invite via email

  1. In "People," under the "Directory" tab, use the search bar to find the employee to whom you want to send the onboarding link, and then click on their name to access their employee profile.find-employee.png
  2. In their employee profile, click on the three dots in the top right corner and select "Resend Invite" from the dropdown menu. The employee will get an email with the link to complete onboarding and become active in Humi.Resend-invites.png

Send the "activation link" directly to the employee

If you simply want to send the activation link to the new employee via another app such as Slack, Teams, or a different messaging app rather than email, keep reading to learn how.

  1. In "People," under the "Directory" tab, use the search bar to find the employee to whom you want to send the onboarding link, and then click on their name to access their employee profile.

  2. Click the "More" tab and select "Account" from the dropdown.Screen_Shot_2022-10-26_at_3.27.00_PM.png
  3. In the "Account Settings" section, copy the activation link and send it directly to the employee. Screen_Shot_2022-10-26_at_3.28.48_PM.png

That's it! You've now successfully completed sending an invite to an employee via email or activation link.

If you want to learn how to resend the onboarding invitation email to everyone who is in an onboarding status in bulk, click here.

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