Welcome to the Reporting FAQs!
At Humi, we understand that access to accurate reports and data is essential for making strategic decisions and driving growth. This page addresses the most common questions about our Reporting module.
Use this resource for quick insights and troubleshooting tips. Simply click on any question below to find the information you need and gain a deeper understanding of Humi's reporting capabilities.
Yes, you can create a custom report in Reporting. Just click on the Custom Reports tab and click the + Create Custom Report button in the top right corner.
Select the information you want included in the report, apply filters and export your report. For step-by-step instructions, check out this article that walks you through the whole process.
Yes! We have three data importers you can use to quickly import existing data or change employee data in bulk to save time, energy, and headaches:
- Time Off Requests Importer lets you easily bring your existing time off data into Humi. Use it anytime to bulk import past or upcoming requests, though it’s usually needed just once during implementation.
- Time Off Balances Importer lets you reset time off balances in bulk for multiple employees. It’s often used at year-end to reset balances to zero if you’re not using our automatic carryover cap feature.
- Time Off Adjustments Importer is great for importing bonus accruals for Time In Lieu or applying other types of bonus accruals to multiple employees simultaneously.
Use the links above to learn how to use each in more detail.
You can use our Bulk Data Export tool if you want a detailed report that includes everyone's information.
If you want a customized report on employee information, check out this article, where we explain how to create custom reports.
Humi offers a variety of payroll reports designed to give you deeper insights into your financials.
In Reporting under the Payroll tab, you'll find these reports:
- Payroll Register
- Year-to-date Report
- CRA Remittance Report
- Revenu Québec Remittance Report
- Journal Entry Report
- Benefits Report
- PIER Analysis
- T4 Preview Report
- RL1 Preview Report (QC)
- Employer Payroll Tax Report (Per Province)
- Workers' Compensation Report
This article will explain each payroll report and how to filter and export the information.
We have several available including:
The Pensionable and Insurable Earnings (PIER) Analysis Report is a PIER report. This report will help you quickly identify any potential discrepancies in:
- Employee CPP
- Employer CPP
- Employee EI
- Employer EI
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