How to Import Time Off Requests

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The Time Off Request Importer is a simple way to import your existing Time Off data into Humi. This tool is typically used only once while completing your Humi implementation.

How to Import Time Off Requests

  1. In Time Off, head to the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Import Time Off Requests button.
  3. In Step 1, select the Time Off Type you want to import adjustments for using the dropdown menu. 
  4. Next, click on the Download Bulk Import Template button. It will automatically start downloading.  Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 3.26.30 PM.png
  5. Open the importer sheet as a CSV file

    Don’t use the Numbers App on Mac

    If you're using a Mac, you must open the file using the Excel app and not the Numbers app. If you open it in Numbers, you won't be able to save the file as a CSV and won't be able to upload it to Humi.

  6. The import template includes the following columns:

    • Email
    • Date From
    • Date To
    • Counts As (Hours / Days)
    • Description (optional)
      If no description is provided: We import no description
    • Approver (optional)
      If no approver is provided: We assume the approver is the primary account admin
    • Approval date (optional)
      If no approval date is provided: We assume the approval date is today

    For the requests importer, we include a single "sample" row in the downloaded template:


    Formatting Dates

    Keep in mind that the importer will only accept dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd.

  7. Once you've added all of your information to the CSV file, in Step 2, click the Browse button and upload your completed file to Humi.

    Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 4.13.30 PM.png

  8. Lastly, click the Import button to upload the document. You don't need to stay on this page, you'll receive an email once the import is complete.

That's it! Once the import is completed, you'll see the information from the uploaded file was added to Humi. 

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