Job & Pay

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Articles in this section

The Job & Pay section is used to provide employees visibility to their data within Humi. The details in this page are predominantly managed by admins. If you notice any discrepancy in the information found in this section, please contact your Humi admin.

Bank Account Information

As an employee, you can edit the details of the bank account information which will delineate the account you will receive your direct deposit to.

It is highly recommended that you refer to a cheque or the account details in your personal bank account to obtain information to be entered into Humi Payroll's bank account settings. The three fields required are:

  • Bank Institution Number - 3 digits
  • Bank Transit (Branch) Number - 5 digits
  • Bank Account Number - 7-12 digits

Note that changes to the bank account information in Humi Payroll will only affect future payments and will not affect payments from processed payrolls that are paid or already in transit.

If you believe your payroll payment is being processed based on incorrect bank information, please reach out to immediately.
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