Humi's Three Data Importer Tools

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We know switching service providers can be tough. That’s why we offer data importers to help you quickly bring in existing data or update employee info in bulk—saving you time, energy, and hassle.

Here are the three tools available:

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  • Time Off Requests Importer 
  • Time Off Balances Importer 
  • Time Off Adjustments Importer 


Time Off Requests Importer

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The Time Off Request Importer makes it easy to bring your existing Time Off data into Humi. It’s usually used once during setup, but you can use it anytime to bulk import historical or upcoming requests.

Learn how to import Time Off Requests here.


Time Off Balances Importer

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This importer lets you reset Time Off balances in bulk for multiple employees at once. It's commonly used at year-end to set all balances to zero if you’re not using our automatic carryover cap feature.

Learn how to use the Time Off Balances Importer here.

Important note

If employees are allowed to have a negative balance, the automatic year-end carryover cap won’t reset these to zero—you’ll need to do it manually. Otherwise, the negative balance will carry over and be deducted from their new Time Off balance in the following year.


Time Off Adjustments Importer

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This tool is great for importing bonus accruals for Time In Lieu or quickly applying other types of bonus accruals to multiple employees at once.

Learn how to use the Time Off Adjustments Importer here.

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