How to adjust an employee’s "Vacation Pay Balance"

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There may be instances when you need to add or subtract vacation pay from an employee's balance outside of a pay run. When this happens, you can make the adjustments using our Vacation Adjustments feature.

Important Note

Vacation balance adjustments are finalized on the employee's next regular pay cycle. Vacation balance adjustments for terminated employees must be completed before running their final regular pay. 


How to make a Vacation Adjustment

  1. In Payroll, click on the Vacation Adjustments tab Screen_Shot_2022-10-05_at_4.18.37_PM.png
  2. Find the employee, and click the Make Adjustment link Screen_Shot_2022-10-05_at_4.19.36_PM.png
  3. In the Adjustment amount field, enter the dollar value of the adjustment, then select if you want to Add or Subtract the amount from the employee's balance Screen_Shot_2022-10-05_at_4.20.42_PM.png
  4. Click the Calculate button to see the adjustment amount. 
  5. To avoid confusion and remember why the adjustment was made, we highly recommend entering a note in the Add a note field describing why the change was necessary
  6. In the Summary section, verify that you've entered the correct adjustment amounts. You'll see the amount after the adjustment and the balance before the adjustment
  7. Click Save


  Discover more about Vacation Pay

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