Edit or rename a document

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Nobody's perfect, so if you need to make changes to a document after adding it in Humi, or you want to rename a document keep reading to learn how. 

This article will explain how to:

Edit a document

1. In "Documents," find the document you need using the search bar, tags, or its respective folder.

2. Click on the document you want to edit, and Humi will direct you to the document page.

"View-Only" documents

Because these documents were uploaded as ".PDF" files directly from your computer, you cannot edit view-only documents in Humi.

If you discover an error in a view-only document, you must correct it on the original file before uploading it to Humi again.

If you previously assigned the document to any employees, you must reassign it to them. You should delete the incorrect document after adding the corrected one.

 "Signing or Offer Letter" document templates

Admins created these templates using the template editor, but unfortunately, you won't be able to see any annotation fields you added in the "Doc Preview" tab. Instead, you must use the "Template Editor" to view or edit these documents.

  1. On the document page, select the "Template Editor" button in the top right corner of the page. 
  2. Now that you're in the template editor, you can see all of the annotation fields on the document and confirm if they're correct or make any necessary changes.


When you're finished editing, click the "Continue" button to save all your changes.

Check out this complete guide to using the "Template Editor" for more tips.

Important note

Any changes made will only be applied to documents assigned in the future. Documents that were assigned before you made edits will not be changed.
For employees who were previously assigned the document, you must reassign the newly modified document so they can see the changes.



Rename a document 

You can only rename a document from the document page.


  1. Find the document you want to rename using the search bar, tags or in its respective folder.
  2. Click on the document, and Humi will direct you to the "Document page."
  3. Click the three dots on the top right corner and select "Rename & edit tags" from the dropdown menu.Screen_Shot_2022-03-24_at_2.48.39_PM.png
  4. Enter the new document name in the field and add or remove tags as needed in the "Tags" field in the pop-up. Learn more about tags here.Screen_Shot_2022-03-24_at_3.36.41_PM.png
  5. Once all changes are complete, click the "Save" button. 

  Discover more about Documents

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