2024 Statutory Holidays - How to Find your Payroll "Run-By" Date

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If the possibility of missing your payroll deadline during stat holidays stresses you out, don't worry, you're in the right place! Keep reading to learn how to find your payroll "run-by" date so you'll never be confused or worried about running payroll late again. 

We've also included the 2024 Statutory Holidays Calendar, which shows all stat holidays across Canada and a helpful list of Holidays by Province for you to refer to.

How do holidays affect your payroll? What's a payroll "run-by" date?

Since banks are closed on statutory holidays, typically, Humi will adjust your payroll "run-by" date to align with this change. Knowing your payroll "run-by" date ensures you won't miss your payroll deadline.

Important note

If your "payday" date lands on a holiday, both the "payday" date and payroll "run-by" deadline may be moved up by one business day. 


How to find your Payroll "Run-By" Date


  1. In Payroll, click on your current payroll, which will be the first line on the Run Payroll page
  2. Humi will automatically direct you to the payroll page
  3. Just below the page title, you'll find the payroll "run-by" date 


Referring to the payroll "run-by" date is the most reliable way to know precisely when you need to process payroll to ensure it's always processed on time.


List of Canadian Holidays

2024 Canadian Statutory Holidays Holidays by Province

The table below displays all* statutory holidays across Canada and the day they're observed. Refer to your payroll "run-by" date, as explained in the section above, to know when to process payroll to ensure you pay your employees on time. 

Holiday 2024 Day Observed Region Observed
New Year's Day Mon. January 1st Monday, January 1st Nationwide
Islander Day Mon. February 19th 3rd Monday in February PE
Family Day Mon. February 19th 3rd Monday in February AB, BC, MB, NB, ON, SK
Heritage Day Mon. February 19th (February 23rd in YK) 3rd Monday in February (3rd Friday in Feb. in YK) NS, YK
Louis Riel Day Mon. February 19th 3rd Monday in February MB
St. Patrick's Day Sun. March 17th Monday, March 18th NL
Good Friday Fri. March 29th The Friday before Easter Sunday Nationwide
St. George's Day Mon. April 22nd The Monday closest to April 23rd NL
Victoria Day(National Patriots Day in QC) Mon. May 20th The Monday preceding May 25th Nationwide, except NB, NL, NS, PE
National Indigenous Peoples Day Fri. June 21st Friday, June 21st NT
June Holiday (NL) Mon. June 24th Nearest Monday to June 24th NL
Canada Day (Memorial Day in NL) Mon. July 1st Monday, July 1st Nationwide
Nunavut Day Tues. July 9th Tuesday, July 9th NU
Civic Holiday Mon. August 5th First Monday in August AB, BC, NB, NU, ON, SK
Discovery Day Mon. August 19th Third Monday in August YK
Labour Day Mon. September 2nd First Monday in September Nationwide
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Mon. September 30th Monday, September 30th Nationwide
Thanksgiving Day Mon. October 14th Second Monday in Oct Nationwide, except NB, NL, NS, PE
Remembrance Day Mon. November 11th Monday, November 11th Nationwide, except NL, NS, ON
Christmas Day Wed. December 25th Wednesday, December 25th Nationwide
Boxing Day Thurs. December 26th Thursday, December 26th ON

*All calendar dates in this section are for reference only and may not include all applicable holidays for your province or territory. For current dates and policies, please visit https://canada.ca or your local government website

Federal Holidays:

Click here for a list of all Federal holidays currently observed in Canada.


If your "payday" date lands on a holiday, both the "payday" date and payroll "run-by" deadline may be moved up by one business day.

For example, if your "payday" date is scheduled for Good Friday, Humi will move up your payroll "run-by" date by one business day, and your "payday" date will be changed to the day before Good Friday (Thursday) instead.

  Discover more about Payroll 

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